Find A Way To Grow at Carmel New Church

We are easily distracted from walking with the Lord for many reasons. By children, losing a job, a relationship breaking down, just to name a few. The Lord knows our hardships and reaches out constantly to continue that walk, one step at a time. We don’t know the future; we can get lost in the past.

But every new moment is a gift that the Lord wants us to use wisely.

The Lord in His Word speaks to every state of our lives, to everything we have been through or might go through. At Carmel New Church we want you to walk your journey with the Lord by supporting you in learning from Him.

Ways to Grow:

Life Groups

A practical Christianity

Logopraxis is Practical Christianity and offers a way of relating to Sacred Texts that is focused on examining our mental life with a view to repentance and applying them to life.

Life Groups meet every 2nd and 4th week of the month.

Wednesday @ 11:00 am - Zoom

Thursday @ 7:00 pm - Zoom

Friday @ 7:00 pm - Church lounge in person

Dinner & Doctrine

Ways to grow - Dinner and Doctrine

Centred around a shared meal and hosted in homes. We look at a topic for the day, what the church teaches, and discuss any questions that arise—some serious life conversations but also plenty of connection and laughter.

Dinner & Doctrine meets once a month on a Saturday evening

Join us for the meal at 6:00 pm

or join a little later, at 7:00 pm when the discussion starts.

Book Study

Book Study with Carmel New Church

A study group for those with a love for challenging the mind and working deeply with the Lord’s words as we find them in the Old & New Testaments and the teachings for a Heavenly new church.

Meeting every Wednesday evening @ 8:00 pm

via conference call.

Call in from anywhere!