darkness to light

The people who walked in darknes have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined.

Isaiah 9:2 NKJV

This verse from Isaiah, rich in symbolism, provides profound insights into the human mind’s spiritual journey. Our journey is from darkness to light. The “darkness” referred to in this verse symbolizes ignorance and misunderstanding within the human mind. It represents our lack of knowledge about spiritual truths and the absence of enlightenment from Divine wisdom. This darkness can manifest as confusion, doubt, and even misguided beliefs that lead us away from the path of loving our neighbour and the Lord.

The “people who walked in darkness” is speaking to each of us. Everyone walks in darkness. As we read the Word, our proprium (sense of self-life) is influenced by the hells. It tries to direct the application of the Word and resulting judgements towards others and away from ourselves. A spiritual literacy skill we need to learn is reading the Word with the awareness that this is the Lord speaking to every state in me. The darkness is a state within us of spiritual ignorance. Walking, in the spiritual sense, represents living. Thus, our “walk in darkness” is living according to the appearances drawn from our senses, which is spiritual ignorance.

Example – We get mad at ourselves for making a mistake or social misstep, leaving us angry and embarrassed. Why do we feel this way about ourselves? We live under the impression that our life must be perfect or that I am good, and anything that proves us wrong in our sight or another’s sight hurts our self-image. We live with the constant desire to protect what is mine. Living with these expectations of self and feeling these reactions is to live in darkness.

What we see from the light

The reality or the light is in seeing that I am not “good” or perfect. To think in terms of “I am good” and should be perfect is to deny the Lord and His rebirth process; we are breaking the first commandment and thinking ourselves are gods. Because no one is Good and no one is perfect except One. For us to assume these qualities for ourselves is to live in darkness.

However, the verse moves from darkness to ligth. It speaks of a “great light” seen by those who walked in darkness. In the highest sense, light in the Word represents Divine Truth, the wisdom from the Lord. This light symbolizes enlightenment, understanding, and the revelation of spiritual truths, which is given through the process of self-examination and repentance. Through this process, the dawn of a new spiritual understanding dispels the darkness of ignorance about ourselves.

The phrase “those who lived in the land of the shadow of death” further emphasizes the state of spiritual ignorance. The “land,” in this context, represents the various aspects of our life influenced by this ignorance. The “shadow of death” signifies the absence of spiritual life, which is the absence of awareness of the inner states of our mind. However, “on them, the light has shined,” indicating that even in states of profound spiritual ignorance and lifelessness, the light of Divine Truth can reach us when we engage in the inner work through which the Lord brings enlightenment and spiritual rebirth.

Come to the Light

So, how do we come to this “light”? The Lord is the light! The journey from darkness to light is a process of spiritual awakening and growth. The light is the process of self-examination and repentance. The light is the growing awareness we are given about the inner state of our mind. Coming to light involves seeking Divine Truth, using what He teaches to shine a light into the darkness of our mind, and being willing to see our states of hellish-influenced proprium. This process is not always easy; it requires us to challenge our existing beliefs, confront our ignorance, and change how we see ourselves, others and the world.

However, the rewards are immeasurable. As we walk this path, we gradually move from darkness to light, ignorance to understanding, and spiritual death to eternal life. The journey is about overcoming darkness and the joy and fulfilment that come with spiritual engagement. Isaiah 9:2 beautifully encapsulates the journey of the human mind from darkness to light. It assures us that no matter how deep the darkness we may find within ourselves, the light of Divine Truth is always available to use as a light to guide us inwards towards spiritual enlightenment and life. This journey is a testament to the Lord’s unending love and mercy, constantly leading us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.

Secrets of Heaven n.9256 – Emanuel Swedenborg describes how the state of darkness comes about in us.

…the attention of the internal man is focused solely on things below, that is, on the external or natural man, and through this on things that exist in the world, round about their body, and on this planet. And when this is so, they look downwards, that is, towards hell. With people like this the internal man cannot be opened towards heaven unless the negative rejections of truth or positive acceptances of falsity which have closed it are banished; and these must be banished while they are in the world. This cannot be accomplished except by a complete turning around of their life, thus over a number of years.

Regeneration, or process of self-examination and repentance, brings life and light – Secrets of Heaven n. 848 – Emanuel Swedenborg

…all regeneration has for its end that man may receive new life, or rather that he may receive life, and from being no man may become man, or from dead be made living, therefore when his former life, which is merely animal, is destroyed by temptations, he cannot but fluctuate between what is true and what is false. Truth is of the new life, falsity of the old; and unless the former life is destroyed, and this fluctuation takes place, it is impossible for any spiritual seed to be sown, because there is no ground.

From darkness to light

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