The Heart of Christmas is what lies at the center of our thoughts and intentions

Christmas, a widely celebrated holiday, holds a deep spiritual significance in the New Church. It is not just a commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago, but also a celebration of the Lord’s birth within us as love and wisdom, guiding us towards a life of goodness and truth. This is the heart of Christmas.

Getting to the Heart

The birth of Jesus Christ, as told in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, is a story filled with symbolic elements that carry profound spiritual meanings. The Lord’s birth in a humble stable signifies His arrival in the simple, humble parts of our hearts. The shepherds who were the first to hear the news represent those who love and follow the Lord’s teachings. The wise men from the East, guided by a star, symbolize the wisdom that leads us to the Lord when we seek Him sincerely.

In his theological writings, Emanuel Swedenborg explains that everything in the Bible, including the Christmas story, has an inner, spiritual meaning. In his work “Arcana Coelestia”, Swedenborg interprets the Christmas story as a parable about spiritual rebirth or regeneration. Just as Jesus was born into the world, the Lord is born into our lives when we open our hearts and minds to His love and wisdom. This spiritual birth is a gradual process, just like natural birth. It involves stages of growth and development, challenges and victories.

Expressions of the Heart of Christmas

The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that the wise men offered to the baby Jesus also have spiritual significance. Gold, representing love, is our most precious gift to the Lord. Frankincense, symbolizing our understanding and acknowledgement of the Divine, is our spiritual worship within our thoughts and intentions. Myrrh, representing the trials and tribulations we undergo in our spiritual journey, is our willingness to endure hardships for the sake of spiritual transformation.

The star that guided the wise men to Jesus symbolizes the light of Divine truth that guides us in our spiritual journey. As we follow this light, we are led to the Lord, the source of all love and wisdom. The journey of the wise men is a metaphor for our spiritual journey. It reminds us that the path to the Lord may be long and challenging, but it leads to the greatest joy and fulfilment.

Christmas, therefore, is a celebration of the Lord’s presence in the life of our hearts and minds. It’s about asking ourselves what is central to our thoughts and intentions. Is our centre filled with the qualities of heaven? It is a time to reflect on our spiritual journey and renew our commitment to work within our hearts and minds to live the teachings of the Lord’s Word. It is a time to share love, to give generously, and to rejoice in the Lord’s love and wisdom.

In the New Church, Christmas is not just a historical event but a living reality. It is the Lord’s birth in our hearts and minds, bringing light into our lives and guiding our spiritual journey.

I wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas.

Pastor Mark

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